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Royal Republic

Fri 30 May 2025 19:00-23:00

Y Plas
  • Box Office
  • Box Office - Featured
  • Live Music

Effigy Presents …Royal Republic 

Plus Special Guests


This event is strictly 14 + (under 16s accompanied by 18+)

Doors 7pm - 11pm 

Breaking: Royal Republic bring their LoveCop tour to Cardiff in May!! 

After a long hard wait, the worlds greatest power-disco quartet, Royal Republic, are BACK to melt your hearts and set fire to your speakers. Not your average rock band, their weird flavour combination doesn’t make sense until you try it. So ugly it’s awesome. The kinky thing you never knew you liked until it just sort of happened by accident that one time and you were all like WHOAAAH! You have the right to remain LOUD. Put your hands up and dance!


Ticket Types:

  • E-Ticket - select this option for a ticket you can print yourself and bring to the event. These tickets will also display on certain mobile phones. If you are a Cardiff University student this ticket will be registered to your student card, which can be scanned on the night for entry.
  • * This price includes a £1.00 venue restoration levy per ticket. Click here for more info on the levy.



Entry to event via Sengenydd Road, CF24 4AZ

For accessible requests please visit www.cardiffboxoffice.com 


Cardiff University Student’s Union and Cardiff Union Services Limited are acting as agents on behalf of Effigy  in the sale of tickets for this event (excluding any booking fees, Venue restoration levy and postage).

Admission to an event is at all times subject to any terms, conditions or rules of the Promoter and the venue operator. You must also adhere to the Promoter or venue operator’s specific terms of entry and protocols surrounding Covid-19 – this could be, but is not limited to, an obligation to provide negative lateral flow tests or provide vaccination certificates. If you do not comply with any Promoter or venue terms, conditions or rules then the Promoter or venue operator may refuse admission or require you or other ticket holders to leave the venue and you will not be entitled to a refund.