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WPSA - Pharmacy Netball GIAG

Tue 28 January 2025 18:30-19:30

Tal-Y-Bont Netball Courts
  • Free events
  • Give It A Go
  • Non-Alcoholic Events

This free session will give you the opportunity to get a taste of Pharmacy Netball.

You can see how we run our training sessions, meet our Captains and the rest of the girls and hopefully decide to join us!

If you do join you can expect:

Weekly training sessions at Tal-Y-Bont Netball Courts.

Weekly matches in the IMG League or some friendly games against other Cardiff Uni Netball Teams

Fortnightly Wednesday socials, where we end up at the SU for YOLO!

Our Annual Varsity against OPSOC, where you could compete alongside our other sports (Football & Badminton), which is followed by our annual joint pub golf social!

Instagram: @wpsa_netball